Freitag, 26. November 2010

The Joralulu Park

Like every year we took a rail, customized it a bit and started to ride it.
This is the best way to start a season and a good possibility to learn new tricks. The best tricks and bails are cut together in this short edit:

The Joralulu Park from JORALULU on Vimeo.

Sonntag, 14. November 2010

20° but the joralulupark is ready to shred !!

there`s a fucking sommerbreeze over vorarlberg but the joralulupark is still ok to shred.
this weekend a part of the joralulu bande built up a nice downrail and started sessioning it !
hopefully we gonna have a huge snowstorm this week to rock the weekend again !! :)

Samstag, 6. November 2010

Woohoochi Shop-Eröffnung

Seit gestern sind endlich die von uns sehr gerne getragenen Woohoochi Shirts online auf deren Homepage erhältlich. Die Shirts bestechen durch einen hervorragenden Tragekomfort und sind zudem hergestellt aus biologisch angebauter Baumwolle. Des weiteren stammen die Produkte aus fairem Handel (fair trade) und sind klimaneutral hergestellt. Mehr Informationen zu den Shirts und zum Brand gibts auf der Homepage auf der ihr auch zum Shop gelangt. In diesem Sinne keep it green!

movie online

finally we were able to get our movie "Ätsch Bätsch" into the www. (sorry for the not very good quality of this upload by the way)
right now we're working at the teaser of the skate movie and some late filming.

so stay tuned and look forward to the approaching winter.

Joralulu - Ätsch Bätsch (full movie) from JORALULU on Vimeo.

Joralulu Bande's Fan Box

Joralulu Bande on Facebook