Freitag, 26. November 2010

The Joralulu Park

Like every year we took a rail, customized it a bit and started to ride it.
This is the best way to start a season and a good possibility to learn new tricks. The best tricks and bails are cut together in this short edit:

The Joralulu Park from JORALULU on Vimeo.

Sonntag, 14. November 2010

20° but the joralulupark is ready to shred !!

there`s a fucking sommerbreeze over vorarlberg but the joralulupark is still ok to shred.
this weekend a part of the joralulu bande built up a nice downrail and started sessioning it !
hopefully we gonna have a huge snowstorm this week to rock the weekend again !! :)

Samstag, 6. November 2010

Woohoochi Shop-Eröffnung

Seit gestern sind endlich die von uns sehr gerne getragenen Woohoochi Shirts online auf deren Homepage erhältlich. Die Shirts bestechen durch einen hervorragenden Tragekomfort und sind zudem hergestellt aus biologisch angebauter Baumwolle. Des weiteren stammen die Produkte aus fairem Handel (fair trade) und sind klimaneutral hergestellt. Mehr Informationen zu den Shirts und zum Brand gibts auf der Homepage auf der ihr auch zum Shop gelangt. In diesem Sinne keep it green!

movie online

finally we were able to get our movie "Ätsch Bätsch" into the www. (sorry for the not very good quality of this upload by the way)
right now we're working at the teaser of the skate movie and some late filming.

so stay tuned and look forward to the approaching winter.

Joralulu - Ätsch Bätsch (full movie) from JORALULU on Vimeo.

Freitag, 29. Oktober 2010

Arlberg ready to shred !!

On tuesday a part of the joralulu bande went to the arlberg to shoot some creative stuff !!
at first we wanted to shred the joralulu trashpark but when we arrived, we got kicked off by some huntmen because they hadn`t been able to catch bambie(the joralulupark animal) before!
so we searched for a new spot. finally we found a nice drop and everybody got at least one nice shot !!! (big thanks to dominic berchtold)
well done dudes :)

Montag, 25. Oktober 2010

Loveolution II Premiere Vorarlberg

hurrray! "the most touching movie of 2010" kommt nach Vorarlberg! Die Marke LOVE mit und von Seppi Scholler feiern heuer ihr zweites Filmprojekt. Top-Besetzung im Movie wie Marc Swoboda, Mike Casanova, Dominik Wagner, Seppi himself und Lokalmatador Thomas Feurstein usw. werden euch waghalsige, todesmütige und noch die da gewesene Tricks zeigen ;)
das mal schon voraus: es wird AAAARRGHH!!

Eintritt: 6 Euro
Sound: PGM Soundsysdem
Wanna know where: call 0664/55 822 12 !

üsri Fötidüdes Dominic und Pirmin haben gleich zwei Pre-Flyers erstellt: (i like rice)




Loveolution 2 Teaser from QParks on Vimeo.

Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 2010

Trash Gastra edit °!

Here`s the lazy days trash edit !!

crazy lazy days in gastra !! from Lukas Ellensohn on Vimeo.

Dienstag, 12. Oktober 2010

It`s already/finally cold !!!

But the skateteam doesn`t think about breaking up skating !!
Here some shots done by Dominik Schöch.
An edit will follow soon !
So stay tuned folks !!

Sonntag, 19. September 2010

It`s getting colder !!

Buuuut the skateteam is still shooting for our new summer/skateproject witch you will be able to see at our skatepremiere (spring) !!
thanks Alex Wally for the pics !
stay tuned and watch out for more....

Dienstag, 31. August 2010

ESC Street Final

Watch Manuel riding in the final of the street competition at the ESC 2010 in Basel.

Donnerstag, 26. August 2010

JORALULU oiiiiida !! Vienna callin` . . . . .

Some of the joralulu skateteam just came back from Vienna !!
We had a lot of fun but expected a bit more.
watch the pics !!

Mittwoch, 18. August 2010

Working/shooting as hell !!

Not only the snow-team is working as hell to get their movie ÄTSCHBÄTSCH finished for the premiere (10.9.2010 poolbar feldkirch) !!
Also the skate-team is busy shooting.

Montag, 9. August 2010

Manu going biiiiiig !!

yesterday the european championship in basel ended and JORALULU`s finest skater Manuel Nuculovic took 8th place !!
he ended up as best austrian !
big up to him !

stay tuned folks

(watch out for our new snowboardtrailer ÄTSCHBÄTSCH on

Samstag, 7. August 2010

welcome to DC

skate-ass-master manuel nuculovic is busy with filming for our second skate-movie. some days ago he finally managed it in the austrian skate team of DC shoes! YEAH! right now, he is attending at the european skate championship in basel, switzerland! we wish you the best and congrats for the new sponsorship! big up to you and stay tuned!

... skate-movie coming out in spring 2011. don't forget to watch our teaser of the snowboard-movie called "ätschbätsch"! first cut with a new cutting programm.. pretty dope, aai! :)

Donnerstag, 5. August 2010

Ätsch Bätsch - Teaser

Check out the teaser for our new movie called "Ätsch Bätsch".
Movie coming out on september 2010!

ÄTSCHBÄTSCH Trailer from JORALULU on Vimeo.

Freitag, 16. Juli 2010


weak-ass wednesday.. zu diesem anlass begab sich das Joralulu fedlazarett aka luki und sandy nach hard zum betonsurfen mit aircast und metall im rücken!

Invaliden-Skate from Fabian Sandholzer on Vimeo.

Sonntag, 6. Juni 2010

1st place at Manny Mania in Wörgl

Once again, congratulations to Manu. He won the Red Bull Manny Mania in Wörgl and in July he can hit the final in Vienna.

Montag, 31. Mai 2010

welcome to belgium

this guy is creisi... last weekend joralulu's finest skaterboy manuel nuculovic had the chance to take place at the european finals of the element "make it count" tour in belgium. with success! finally, he reached the 4th place! very gooood job, manu! big up

Make it Count European Final from ELEMENT SKATEBOARDS on Vimeo.

Dienstag, 25. Mai 2010

Kaunertal Snakin'

Kaunertal Spring Classics were kind of weird this season: lots of bad weather, a strange Schneestern park with sticky pipes and rollercoaster boxes but nevertheless it was still fun goofing around with the crazy people up there, and we even could get some pow there in May!

3um3 - Kotcast 11 Kaunertal Snakes from Fabian Sandholzer on Vimeo.

P.S. If you're not down with Schneestern rubbish parks join this group on fb!/group.php?gid=118903431459844&ref=ts

Donnerstag, 13. Mai 2010

here another funny edit:

fun-shredding in the Nova back in february

Fun with Joralulu from JORALULU on Vimeo.

Montag, 10. Mai 2010

arlBEARg mtn.

why shredding k-valley, when we got tonns of snow at the joralulu trashpark right on the arlberg?! the snow melt away rapidly, so last sunday we went on for a last time and fo sure we built a new set up... lovely spring time!!

sebi geiger ready for shape...


... everybody ready for shape

last sunday overview

krischi gettin' ghetto

funny funny funny

here the trashmovie from our buddy-crew mog production, showing lifestyle and fun while riding! nothing serious, but seriously funny to watch! enjoy...

Trashmovie2010 from M.O.G Production on Vimeo.

Sigi's going crazy!!

While the snow-team is still shredding the secret Joralulu-park, Sigi's hitting stairs of every size. Big up to Sigi for a HUGE ollie over 17 steps.

Sigi 17 stairs from JORALULU on Vimeo.

Samstag, 24. April 2010

skate team refresh

the skate-season just started and we'd like to introduce the new member of the skate team: Patricc "Sigi" Wolf.
there will be some short clips of him and the other riders soon!!!

so stay tuned and enjoy the warmer weather

Welcome to the skate team - Patricc "Sigi" Wolf from JORALULU on Vimeo.

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